To the Right Candidate with Interviews!


What is an interview? What are the types of interviews? What are the stages of an interview? What is the importance of the interview? What should we pay attention to in the interview processes?

An interview is a method of meeting applicants and experts to discuss the relevant position. The importance of interviews can be stated as an opportunity for candidates to convey themselves and their competencies effectively and accurately. The importance of being interviewed by experts is an important stage in examining the suitability and competence of the relevant candidates for the positions. Interviews are a method that can provide access to the right personnel, especially when the resumes of the relevant candidates are accessed and evaluated according to their suitability for the position. Many methods can be preferred in interviews. These include telephone interviews, one-to-one interviews, video conference interviews, panel interviews and group interviews. Candidates are screened through interviews conducted by experts. The telephone interview can be defined as the first channel of access to the candidate as a broadcast. Today, the telephone interview is also used as a pre-screening interview. In the telephone interview, interviews are held on the competencies and experiences stated in the candidate’s resume. In line with these interviews, it is evaluated whether the candidate meets the qualifications required for the position for which they have applied. Eligible candidates will be pre-selected and will be eligible for the other interview channels. Interview organizations are provided for the candidates who are found suitable in the telephone interview, in line with the plans of the experts, to be held face-to-face or online. In one-on-one interviews, an interview takes place in a face-to-face interview involving only the candidate and the expert. In the video conference interview, we can define it as an interview that takes place in a digital environment between the candidate and the expert person or persons without moving away from their own environment with the “Online Interview” mentioned today. The panel interview is a type of interview that proceeds in the form of questions and answers by experts with at least 2 people with the candidate. The reason why companies prefer panel interviews is that they want to save time and examine whether the answers given by the candidates to the experts are in the right proportion. A group interview can be defined as a method of measuring the performance of candidates by examining their discussions and evaluations by determining a case topic. The point to be considered for candidates in interviews is that the information shared in their CVs and the information they present in interviews should be in the right proportion, and false information should be avoided. The point to be considered by experts in interviews is to ask effective questions in order to measure the competencies stated by the candidates in their resumes.

We lighten your burden and save your time in all these interview processes mentioned above. As Egeid Human Resources and Business Development Services, we offer an unconventional human resources service. With our young and dynamic team of experts, we conduct effective interviews and determine our goal for your company to reach the optimum candidate!

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