About us

Functional solution to frictional unemployment.

Our Mission

We offer an unusual human resources service in Turkey. Together with our young and dynamic team, we are building a system where the digital world and management coexist, where maximum efficiency and maximum productivity are achieved, and where earnings and happiness progress in parallel.

Our Vision

We are working for all our business partners who are and will be within our organization to earn more profit. We prove that with the optimum use of human resources, increased efficiency and productivity translates into profit. We take away your concerns for your staff and save you time.

Demand Dialogue

We listen and understand both the employer and the employee. We establish a common dialog and meet the demands of both sides in the most efficient way.

Solution Keys

We design our solution keys in the most efficient way for employers and those who want to do business.

Innovative Approaches

Egeid is the innovative side of HR. For this reason, we provide all our services in an Egeid style, with an extraordinary setup.

Human Factor

All workflows start and end with people. That is why we take the most accurate and rational actions according to people.

Innovative Consulting

What do you expect from an HR consulting company? We are the solution to all your answers to this question.

Brands We Work With

Do you want to grow your business?

We can do it together